
By UbermenschForever, November 6th, 2017

Last Updated: November 6th, 2017

Just A Loot System For My TwoStoryDungeon This Link Is For The Loot Table Added To The 8 Chests Throughout This Structure, 8 Chests May Seem Like A lot Of Loot, But It's Fairly Balanced, I Do Not Know How To Include This With The Download Because Im An Idiot, Please Comment If Theres A Better Way!

Changelog: Fixed The Spawn Rate From 1 Every 25 Chunks To 1 Every 330 Chunks. Added Moss, Slabs, Air, And Stone To Generate Where Cobblestone Occupies Added Moss Fences To Generate Where The Cobble Fences Occupy





1 Comment

By Ivorius, November 7th, 2017

If you need the loot table just for this structure you could put them both in a zip file