Benji's Adventure Pack I

By Benji, August 30th, 2017

Last Updated: August 30th, 2017

A compilation of converted structures for use with Recurrent Complex. The intent and theme of structures in this pack is medieval adventure. There are different adventure structures, cities, dungeons, and raids for use.

Uses MoreCommands and Pam's Harvestcraft and was designed for Minecraft 1.12






By Djeeshka, October 25th, 2019

Also not sure why, but Mayan Temples from this pack seems to work fine, although Biome preset is missing and they spawn in non Jungle biomes. It's odd that on import these doesn't seem to be properly set up, yet they properly generates.

By Djeeshka, October 24th, 2019

I don't recommend this pack at all. Doesn't blend in surroundings, poorly set up. I've written a long comment about that but site says "woops" every time I've trying to post it.

By Maks, October 12th, 2019

Definitely add some pictures, because at the moment I have no idea what structures this adds.

By Gustavo, July 24th, 2019

please add mod recurrent complex for 1.14.3

By charles, May 10th, 2019


Can you please upload the presets too? It causes a ton of errors in logs that are just a pain to sort through when you do not have the presets.

And by presets I mean the biome presets.

By charles, May 10th, 2019

Can you please upload the presets too? It causes a ton of errors in logs that are just a pain to sort through when you do not have the presets.

By Benji, September 29th, 2018

Wow! 2000 have downloaded this?! That's great! I'm glad to see that at least somebody appreciates it! I'll see if I can't come up with a second version. If you have any suggestions for content types, let me know and I'll try to cater to your needs!