15 Level Active Mine in Most Villages

By 0xebjc, April 1st, 2021

Last Updated: May 4th, 2021

Generates an active mine in almost all villages, it's 15 levels and maximizes shafting 3x3 with 2 blocks between shafts as you can see one side of each un-mined wall to get all the ores. one block between floors, and a day-lit shaft. I added the mining crane from Lonemind, January 21st, 2021 submission, I hope you don't .mine? Thank you.

Required Mods: None

Recommended Mods: I think it will work with vanilla, you'll just loose the torches, I'm using GlareTorch_Ver.8.11_MC1.12 mod for 1.12.2. Also, I've placed a layer of hay near the bottom, there is a mod that prevents fall damage landing on hay, I recommend it Softer Hay Bales (shb)_1.12-1.0. Also recommend MinersAdvantage-1.12.2- as it will do 3x3 mining to match the laid out mine.

Feel free to reuse any of my uploads, no permission needed. Feel free to re-post, I would appreciate if you would give credit and reference this page with a link to this resource, thanks.

:: 3 MAY 20201 :: Updated, changed surface to all stone brick, looks better across all biomes, added more vanilla minecraft torches.







1 Comment

By 0xebjc, April 2nd, 2021

Please let me know if this structure has issues with loading on vanilla and I can try to re upload with replacing modded blocks